Well Read, Poorly Behaved

Mission Statement

Good Librations was created by a group of newly-acquainted college grads whose tendency toward debauchery needed to be counterbalanced with an air of civility. Over a round of beers one night, we discovered that our taste in literature was just as intoxicating. We vowed to start a book club that would embody our acumen with a touch of sin.

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What We're Reading

Black Flags

Freshly Pressed


To The Hoes That Propose

Humans espouse for the goal of procreation And our ideas conform in a similar gestation  But at what point in this social habitation  Did man

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Body Language

Jesse McCartney was a modern pioneer for trailblazing the study of Body Language. Most linguists stutter at the thought of exploring this is a branch

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Final Four

Let’s take a closer look at our matchups. To refresh yourself on each book, click on the links below to their Amazon page. Long Bright

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